Helping Investors

Helping Canadian Investors
Everything Aviso does is designed to help Canadian investors reach their financial goals. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out on your wealth journey, Aviso empowers you by giving you the opportunity to invest how you want.
With so many options, there’s something for everyone. From mutual funds and pooled investments for building your custom portfolio, to managed portfolios for the ease of an all-in-one solution and digital wealth solutions for the do-it-yourself investor, you’ll find industry-leading expertise in our family of wealth management solutions.
Qtrade Direct Investing®
Qtrade Direct Investing is one of Canada’s most consistently top-ranked online brokerages. Known for low fees, helpful tools and resources, and outstanding support, our self-managed investing service makes it easy to discover, test and execute on investing ideas with a full range of accounts and fast access to the markets, online or through our mobile app.
Qtrade Guided Portfolios®
Our digital wealth (robo-advice) service, Qtrade Guided Portfolios, is a smart, easy way to build wealth. It provides investors with an automated, professionally designed portfolio matched to their needs and goals, continuous oversight, and regular rebalancing—all delivered in a simple online investing service.
NEI Investments
Whether you invest with an advisor or manage your own portfolio, NEI Investments offers solutions to meet your needs. From the simplicity of a total portfolio solution to core fixed-income and equity building blocks, to specialty asset classes and themes, our funds seek two key outcomes: to optimize financial return and to maximize positive social and environmental outcomes.